Ask yourself. How many people truly know about the upcoming crisis known as student loan debt? Looking at news articles while searching for information you may say a lot. But looking at the normal feed of social media life you find the margin to shrink considerably. People are not talking about the problem because they are ignorant of the situation, And the people that are dealing with the problem are not being heard. Or they are being ignored. Either way, the future looks very bleak due to people in power that are ignoring the problem.
The higher education system in America, and other western cultures, are failing their students. The fate of education is not about the spread of knowledge anymore, it is about the profit from the students. Making a profit to keep a school running is one thing, increasing tuition and cutting classes to make more money is way out of hand. My previous post showed two colleges changing tuition cost to bring in more people and to help start a trend. Only two. While the rest increase their tuition, increase merchandise sales, increase everything that deals with cash. And if you think that money is going to the professors that are working to maintain programs your dead wrong. Hell, most of the cash that you are handing to schools will never go towards the program you would wish for them send it to,
How do we solve the issue? I have no clue how we could save the economy now, but I do have some ideas. If schools raise tuition, which they are, then the student should have a say on where that money will be used for. The payer should be able to pick any program he or she chooses to feed into so that it will grow and become something great. Not only will the student gain and education, but they will also contribute to the foundation of the school. Giving the student a much higher sense of pride.
That idea will not solve the issue, but it would sure as hell make me feel a lot better. Anyway, what are your ideas? Share and see who can actually solve this dilemma.
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