Ask yourself. How many people truly know about the upcoming crisis known as student loan debt? Looking at news articles while searching for information you may say a lot. But looking at the normal feed of social media life you find the margin to shrink considerably. People are not talking about the problem because they are ignorant of the situation, And the people that are dealing with the problem are not being heard. Or they are being ignored. Either way, the future looks very bleak due to people in power that are ignoring the problem.
The higher education system in America, and other western cultures, are failing their students. The fate of education is not about the spread of knowledge anymore, it is about the profit from the students. Making a profit to keep a school running is one thing, increasing tuition and cutting classes to make more money is way out of hand. My previous post showed two colleges changing tuition cost to bring in more people and to help start a trend. Only two. While the rest increase their tuition, increase merchandise sales, increase everything that deals with cash. And if you think that money is going to the professors that are working to maintain programs your dead wrong. Hell, most of the cash that you are handing to schools will never go towards the program you would wish for them send it to,
How do we solve the issue? I have no clue how we could save the economy now, but I do have some ideas. If schools raise tuition, which they are, then the student should have a say on where that money will be used for. The payer should be able to pick any program he or she chooses to feed into so that it will grow and become something great. Not only will the student gain and education, but they will also contribute to the foundation of the school. Giving the student a much higher sense of pride.
That idea will not solve the issue, but it would sure as hell make me feel a lot better. Anyway, what are your ideas? Share and see who can actually solve this dilemma.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Where to Go Now
College is there to help young minds have a higher understand and to succeeded in the world they will enter after college. The highlight of school has come to an end. All those classes going to, all those hours studying, all those nights partying, and all that debt, is about to take it's toll. It may not be what every wants, and it is certainly not what anybody expects. So, what is after college?
Hard times are coming after college, and if you really thing you are ready think again. Entering into college is one thing, but entering into the fray of job hunting is not an easy one. It is not a pleasant one either. The hopeless feeling of never find the right job will latch itself on you. Making the weight of life feel so much heavier. Bills will take over and the debt payment that is coming for you is just around the corner.
So what do you do? First, try to stay with as many people as you can, parents house if possible. It will help with the lack of money that you have. It may seem crowded but you'll be happy that you're not selling your soul to pay your bills. Second, get on top of your school debt. If you wait during the grace period you will gain interest and more money to pay, you don't want that. Third, do not give up on the job hunt. It will feel hopeless and frustrating but just keep hitting that grindstone.
After college will test you. It will be hard, and it will go against what you were taught in school, but if done properly and with a lot of luck you will get what you want.
The Bubble
An economic bubble is brewing, and it is only getting bigger each year. This bubble consists of student debt. Now, how could student debt cause an economic bubble that could collapse with devastating effect?
One of the big factors that is causing this bubble is the rise of tuition. Tuition is on the rise due to some factors. One, college is focusing more on sports and the cost to maintain that rather than the education. Two, the employees are fewer than before, which means the professors are stretched thin. Third, while money is spread to the sports teams the student body is dwindling. There are fewer students walking around. And four, college is not preparing students for the world. This causes many student to fail repaying their loans, which increases the size of the bubble.
According to Jim Rogers and Robert Craig Baum, authors of the article "This Economic Bubble Is Going To Wreak Havoc When It Burst", claims what the title of the article is true. Rogers and Baum claim that the burst will likely have the force of all previous catastrophes combined. They say it will tamper with savings and loans, insurance, energy, tech, and mortgage crashes. I would love to say that this will never happen, or that it will not be as bad as they say, but from my research and how this country is showing ignorance makes me believe that we are only touching the surface.
My thoughts, there is no stopping the catastrophe. I just hope I am set and ready when it bursts.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Attendance Going Down! Down! Down! Down!
Since 2011 college enrollment has been declining. Most claim the reason there are fewer college students is because the economy is on an up rise. More people are turning away from a higher education and turning to work. But who exactly is turning away from college?
Apparently the majority of students that graduate high school go to college, so where is the decline in students? It seems that the decline of students come from the older class. People are graduating and moving to the working class. Others, such as people that are already in the working class, turn away from college because they really have no need to go. Now, since we cleared up who is actually going we can ask the question, is the decline a good thing for future college students?
As we all know college tuition has been skyrocketing. With lower amount of students walking into the classrooms it would seem that the colleges are going to raise tuition to get money out of the students that do go. Not a very smart business plan but one that is going on. The good news, not every college is doing this. Two colleges plan to cut their tuition by nearly half the price. Campus of Rosemont will fall from $32,620 to $18,500. That is a 43 percent decrease. Utica will fall from $34,466 to $19,996, that is 42 percent decrease. Not only are these colleges cutting tuition they are also making student aid packages straight forward. These colleges want to be on the radar, and the best way is to lower the price.
If you have an colleges that are lowering tuition feel free to share with everybody. If you have insight on why college attendance is declining please share with everybody.
Apparently the majority of students that graduate high school go to college, so where is the decline in students? It seems that the decline of students come from the older class. People are graduating and moving to the working class. Others, such as people that are already in the working class, turn away from college because they really have no need to go. Now, since we cleared up who is actually going we can ask the question, is the decline a good thing for future college students?
As we all know college tuition has been skyrocketing. With lower amount of students walking into the classrooms it would seem that the colleges are going to raise tuition to get money out of the students that do go. Not a very smart business plan but one that is going on. The good news, not every college is doing this. Two colleges plan to cut their tuition by nearly half the price. Campus of Rosemont will fall from $32,620 to $18,500. That is a 43 percent decrease. Utica will fall from $34,466 to $19,996, that is 42 percent decrease. Not only are these colleges cutting tuition they are also making student aid packages straight forward. These colleges want to be on the radar, and the best way is to lower the price.
If you have an colleges that are lowering tuition feel free to share with everybody. If you have insight on why college attendance is declining please share with everybody.
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